Dojo etiquette and oath: One of the first things everyone has to learn at the dojo.
一、人格完成に努むる事 一、誠の道を守る事 一、努力の精神を養う事 一、礼儀を重んずる事 一、血気の勇を戒むる事 礼と節 礼とは人と交わるに当たり、 先ずその人の人格を尊重し、 此れに敬意を表することに発し、 人と人との交際を整え、 社会秩序を保つ道であり、 節はこの精神を表す作法である。 空手道を學ぶ者は、内に礼の精神を深め、 外に節を正しく守ることが肝要である。 |
Dojo-Kun (Dojo Morals) One- To strive for the perfection of character One- To defend the paths of truth One- To foster the spirit of effort One- To honour the principles of etiquette One- To guard against impetuous courage REI and SETSU REI is based on the respect of human dignity, and the willingness to express this respect. It is a way of improving relationship between individuals and is a contributing factor to social harmony. SETSU is the way to express this concept in action, Those who practice Karatedo must deepen their understanding of the spirit of Rei, and in inter-personal relationships, strictly observe the rules of Setsu. |
Japanese pronunciation (written as close to the real pronunciation as possible! not in Roman characters)
Hitots, Jinkaku Kansee ni tstomulu koto
Hitots, Makotono Mici o Mamolu koto
Hitots, Doryokuno Seishin o Yashnau koto
Hitots, Reigi o Omonzulu koto
Hitots, Kekkino You o Imashmulu koto
Hitots, Jinkaku Kansee ni tstomulu koto
Hitots, Makotono Mici o Mamolu koto
Hitots, Doryokuno Seishin o Yashnau koto
Hitots, Reigi o Omonzulu koto
Hitots, Kekkino You o Imashmulu koto
Dojo Kun Fast and Slow speed
Oss! - Greeting word used mainly in Mainland Japan, not in Okinawa.
Literal Meaning : Oss's Osu means to push. Su is to persevere. Together they become OSS.
It means to push beyond your own boundaries. Saying Oss indicates one is trying their absolute best and voicing an oath to go beyond and expand one's inner limitations at every moment. (Please note - This does not indicate a physical limitation. Karate focuses on mental development)
押忍 − 挨拶のことば
Counting (1-10)
Ichi Ni San Shi Go Rok Shichi Hachi ku Jyu
Start of the training
Announced by the student at the very right of the row.
Seiza [kneel down] 正座
Mokuso [meditate] 黙想
Mokuso Yame [cease meditation] 黙想やめ
Shomen ni Rei [bow to the front] -pronpunced "lei" 正面に礼
Sensei ni Rei [bow to the sensei] 先生に礼
Otagaini Rei [bow to each other] お互いに礼
Onegaishimas[please let me] - word used if you arrive late to the class お願いします
Announced by the Sensei
Kiritsu [stand up] 起立 - pronounced "kilitts"
During the warm up
Hajime [start] はじめ
Yame [stop] やめ
Naotte [go back to the original] なおって
Sutte [inhale] すって
Haite [exhale] はいて
Ueni [upward] 上に
Shitani ][downward] 下に
Mawashite [rotate] まわして
Sayu [left and right] 左右
Ashikubi [ankle] 足首
Tekubi [wrist] 手首
Kata [shoulder] 肩
Tumasaki [toes] つま先
Nobashite [straighten] 伸ばして
Magete [bend] 曲げて
Massugu [straight] まっすぐ
Jiku [pivot] 軸
Jikuashi [pivoting leg] 軸足
Fukaku [deeper] 深く
Hiza [knee]膝
Hiza Tatete [rise knee] 膝立てて
Sesuji [posture] 背筋
Nobashite [lengthen] 伸ばして
Iidesho [ok enough] いいでしょう
Shikkari [firmly] しっかり
Chikara ippai [full power] 力いっぱい
Chikara Ilete [use power] 力入れて
Tsgi [next] 次
Procedure of ending
Seiza [kneel down] 正座
Mokuso [meditate] 黙想
Mokuso Yame [cease meditation] 黙想やめ
Dojokun [Moral of dojo] - please refer the philosophy page 道場訓
Shomen ni Rei [bow to the front] 正面に礼
Sensei ni Rei [bow to the sensei] 先生に礼
Otagaini Rei [bow to each other] お互いに礼
Kiritsu [stand up] 起立
During the training
Yohi (get ready) 用意
Kamaete (Make the form) 構えて
Hantai (Opposite) 反対
Mae-ni (To forward) 前に
Ushiro-ni (To backwards) うしろに
Hajime (Start) はじめ
Mawatte (Turn) まわって
Yame(Stop) やめ
Naore (Get back to starting position) 直れ
Hidari (Left) 左
Migi (Right) 右
Kihon (Basics) 基本
Zenkutsdachi (front stance) 前屈立ち
Kibadachi (Horse riding stance) 騎馬立ち
Gedanbarai (Down Block) 下段払い
Kokutsdachi (Back stance) 後屈立ち
Shutouke (Knife hand Block) 手刀受け
Keri (Kick) -Keri becomes Geri when followed by other wrods 蹴り
Maegeri (Front Kick) 前蹴り
Yokogeri (Side Kick) 横蹴り
Keage (Snap Kick) 蹴上げ
Kekomi (Thrust Kick) 蹴込み
Ageuke (Upper Block) 上受け
Sotouke (Outsiede Block) 外受け
Uchiuke (Inside Block) 内受け
Shutouke (Knife-hand Block) 手刀受け
Oizuki/Jyunzuki (Step punch) - leg and hand same side 覆突き 順突き
GyakuZuki (Reverse Punch) 逆突き
Kime (Focal point, decisive moment) 決め
Kumite (Fighting) 組手
Jodan (Upper) 上段
Chudan (Middle) 中断
Gedan (Lower) 下段
Technological words can be studied from "The Shotokan-Karate Dictionary" by SCHLATT.
This book is excellent with photographs of each technique. The book can be ordered from
www.schlatt-books.de or [email protected]
Literal Meaning : Oss's Osu means to push. Su is to persevere. Together they become OSS.
It means to push beyond your own boundaries. Saying Oss indicates one is trying their absolute best and voicing an oath to go beyond and expand one's inner limitations at every moment. (Please note - This does not indicate a physical limitation. Karate focuses on mental development)
押忍 − 挨拶のことば
Counting (1-10)
Ichi Ni San Shi Go Rok Shichi Hachi ku Jyu
Start of the training
Announced by the student at the very right of the row.
Seiza [kneel down] 正座
Mokuso [meditate] 黙想
Mokuso Yame [cease meditation] 黙想やめ
Shomen ni Rei [bow to the front] -pronpunced "lei" 正面に礼
Sensei ni Rei [bow to the sensei] 先生に礼
Otagaini Rei [bow to each other] お互いに礼
Onegaishimas[please let me] - word used if you arrive late to the class お願いします
Announced by the Sensei
Kiritsu [stand up] 起立 - pronounced "kilitts"
During the warm up
Hajime [start] はじめ
Yame [stop] やめ
Naotte [go back to the original] なおって
Sutte [inhale] すって
Haite [exhale] はいて
Ueni [upward] 上に
Shitani ][downward] 下に
Mawashite [rotate] まわして
Sayu [left and right] 左右
Ashikubi [ankle] 足首
Tekubi [wrist] 手首
Kata [shoulder] 肩
Tumasaki [toes] つま先
Nobashite [straighten] 伸ばして
Magete [bend] 曲げて
Massugu [straight] まっすぐ
Jiku [pivot] 軸
Jikuashi [pivoting leg] 軸足
Fukaku [deeper] 深く
Hiza [knee]膝
Hiza Tatete [rise knee] 膝立てて
Sesuji [posture] 背筋
Nobashite [lengthen] 伸ばして
Iidesho [ok enough] いいでしょう
Shikkari [firmly] しっかり
Chikara ippai [full power] 力いっぱい
Chikara Ilete [use power] 力入れて
Tsgi [next] 次
Procedure of ending
Seiza [kneel down] 正座
Mokuso [meditate] 黙想
Mokuso Yame [cease meditation] 黙想やめ
Dojokun [Moral of dojo] - please refer the philosophy page 道場訓
Shomen ni Rei [bow to the front] 正面に礼
Sensei ni Rei [bow to the sensei] 先生に礼
Otagaini Rei [bow to each other] お互いに礼
Kiritsu [stand up] 起立
During the training
Yohi (get ready) 用意
Kamaete (Make the form) 構えて
Hantai (Opposite) 反対
Mae-ni (To forward) 前に
Ushiro-ni (To backwards) うしろに
Hajime (Start) はじめ
Mawatte (Turn) まわって
Yame(Stop) やめ
Naore (Get back to starting position) 直れ
Hidari (Left) 左
Migi (Right) 右
Kihon (Basics) 基本
Zenkutsdachi (front stance) 前屈立ち
Kibadachi (Horse riding stance) 騎馬立ち
Gedanbarai (Down Block) 下段払い
Kokutsdachi (Back stance) 後屈立ち
Shutouke (Knife hand Block) 手刀受け
Keri (Kick) -Keri becomes Geri when followed by other wrods 蹴り
Maegeri (Front Kick) 前蹴り
Yokogeri (Side Kick) 横蹴り
Keage (Snap Kick) 蹴上げ
Kekomi (Thrust Kick) 蹴込み
Ageuke (Upper Block) 上受け
Sotouke (Outsiede Block) 外受け
Uchiuke (Inside Block) 内受け
Shutouke (Knife-hand Block) 手刀受け
Oizuki/Jyunzuki (Step punch) - leg and hand same side 覆突き 順突き
GyakuZuki (Reverse Punch) 逆突き
Kime (Focal point, decisive moment) 決め
Kumite (Fighting) 組手
Jodan (Upper) 上段
Chudan (Middle) 中断
Gedan (Lower) 下段
Technological words can be studied from "The Shotokan-Karate Dictionary" by SCHLATT.
This book is excellent with photographs of each technique. The book can be ordered from
www.schlatt-books.de or [email protected]